ANNUAL YEAR 2019|2020 Accomplishment

·Construction of shelter home for women and
children living with HIV is ongoing

·Nutrition Support to PLHA during

·Delivered home based care services, HIV
care and prevention to 153 people living with HIV/AIDS, out of which number of
female and male clients receiving support were 94 and 59 respectively.

·384 People living with HIV received
support through Community Care Center. The support includes residential, social
care, medical, treatment, transportation, clinic test and PMTCT support, out of
which the total number of new clients receiving support is 94.

·About 48 people were provided emergency

·Around 35-40 women were sensitized on
reporting a breach of rights and reporting violations and abuses.

·Increased understanding and commitment
among the spouse of PLHA towards acceptance of their spouse who are living with

·Around 1500 people were aware about
HIV/AIDS through awareness raising, workshop, orientations and social